ࡱ> ( N/ 0|DTimes New Roman0z[ 0DTahomaew Roman0z[ 0" DArialew Roman0z[ 00DWingdingsRoman0z[ 0@DPhoneticTMoman0z[ 0R C0.  @n?" dd@  @@`` ( \\    0AA@8- ʚ;ʚ;g4fdfd z[ 0jppp@ <4ddddL 0820___PPT10 pp___PPT9($&Lexicology as a Branch of Linguistics & LECTURE 1 %Lexicology as a Branch of Linguistics&&(%| Lexicology: central terms Parts and areas of lexicology Two approaches to language study Lexical units Varieties of words H{%{$$d  I. Lexicology: central termsLexicology Word VocabularyR% $$$$ $$ !II. Parts and Areas of Lexicology! Parts of Lexicology: a) General Lexicology; b) Special Lexicology. Areas of Lexicology: a) Historical Lexicology; b) Descriptive Lexicology; c) Comparative Lexicology; d) Contrastive Lexicology; e) Combinatorial Lexicology; f) Applied Lexicology. %Z2%Z%Z%Z  #Modern English Lexicology studies: $$(#Semasiology Word-Structure Word-Formation Etymology of the English Word-Stock Word-groups and Phraseological Units Variants of The English Language Lexicography% %III. Two Approaches To Language Study&& %The synchronic (descriptive) approach is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as it exists at a given time or at the present time. The diachronic (historical) approach refers to Historical Lexicology that deals with the evolution of the vocabulary units of a language over time. J Z!j  Q  IV. Lexical Units7Morphemes; Words; Word-groups; Phraseological units. 6  V. Varieties of WordsFThe word is a two-facet unit possessing both form and content or soundform and meaning. Neither can exist without the other. Paradigm - the system showing a word in all its word-forms. Word-forms  grammatical forms of words. Lexico-semantic variant  the word in one of its meanings. #$ ( 4  &4     Variants of WordsGroup 1: Lexico-semantic variants: to learn by heart, to learn about smth. Group2: a) phonetic variants: often [ O:Sn] and [ O:Stn]; b) morphological variants: learned [-d] and learnt [-t].  Bn(      Conclusion The most essential feature of variants of words of both groups is that a slight change in the morphemic or phonemic composition of a word is not connected with any modification of its meaning.    A change in meaning is not followed by any structural changes, either morphemic or phonetic. Like word-forms variants of words are identified in the process of communication as making up one and the same word.   eThus, within the language system the word exists as a system and unity of all its forms and variants d J ` fzodf̙` Z\l[]kfEo` f3̙` hk]gj\fݿO` d^fPP̙f` N]1Ra3z` K` ~{3f` fff` ^fPP̙f` f3^fPP̙f` f3^fffPP̙f` f3^fffPP̙f>?" dd@,?%Pd@ d %P@d`%P n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` `6p>> 80P(  F|T   "/b  # "   D0e0e    B C>DETF\   ; 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||UtBstc=\;;d{}>C O9 . }  +,@S"w\v    0e0e    B~C> DEF   ~@ 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||!!A|:Gt[R[xQKSFT> "     OM ;~DU3CD@S"\    t0e0e    BdC# DElFt   ~@ 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||QHSqsuNp^^ Y # lj  2 s j X    ^d78@S"-xP    0e0e    BC DEF   ; 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||##PR5i?-GEUFIv|o  q }?  g " 6  { !'q.i#1GH@S"yzAJ   0e0e    BCDE,F4   ; 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E|| ]WksT0@S"}*    0e0e    BCC]DEF$   ~@ 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||H (XC]@S"5x    l0e0e    B C\ DEhFp   ~@ 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||^qS|$>UvhX\ u*~rr@7  58@S" $ p    0e0e    BwCEDEDFN   tE 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||li>E wY#=l$(@`S"> +p     40e0e    BC*DELFT   tE 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||!tN:goOy*BY'(@S"     <0e0e    B CDEPFX   tE 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||  Q,b@H40x 0  T  S ),@S"b *   0e0e    B?CVDEF$   tE 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||j9jz VA?@S"C0   0e0e    BCDE$F.   tE 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E|| @=mh@`S"Z xV  C 0e0e    B CDElFv d@  5% 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||`P@P@pp`P ` PP  pP` P` PP`p08<@`S"2` .Lb i # "it  6Pq"^ jVt  6Pq"AMSt  6Pq"&2Nt  6c"Tt  6c"Yt  6A+h"Xt  6g"Vt  6Y"Et  6Y"iuHt  6 ]"KWMt  6_"+ 7Rt  6^N"*t  6R" t  6R"-t   6T"0t ! 6e?"t " 6e?"t # 6/gD"wt $ 6H"Yet % 6I"8"9IEt & 6I"8"Y*t ' 6I"8"kt ( 6e?"|t ) 6_&"t * 6_&""t + 6D -" Rt , 6D -"l"xat - 65n" H t . 65n" 6 t / 6M" # t 0 6M"  t 1 6"Y ' t 2 6"L2 > t 3 6">L X t 4 6"(a mm t 5 6"  t 6 6T "  t 7 6< "  t 8 6< "u  t 9 6" $ t : 6"2 > t ; 6"K W t < 6ޑ"e q t = 6z"  t > 6K"  t ? 6K"  t @ 6}"  t A 6 " ' t B 6p"0 < t C 6p"H T t D 6"c o t E 6D"  t F 6V"  t G 6V"  t H 6V"  t I 6"MD P t J 6C"ZU a t K 6+"ik w t L 6+"v|  t M 6B" L t N 6B"  a t O 6B" p t P 6", *  Q BCDE,F6 @.^ ppO0@`"  t R 6m" t S 6"J V t T 6Y"  t U 6Y"  t V 6Y"  t W 6B" $ t X 6["4Z @ t Y 6["Ob [ t Z 6  t a 6J"59 A t b 6"S6 _ t c 6"r7 ~ t d 6j"Q  t e 6"L  t f 6٧"H  t g 6J"C  t h 6̙" t i 6|S"v  t j 6&"$l 0 t k 6+W"A^ M t l 6" + t m 6 "Z f t n 6\"v t o 6\" t p 6!_" t q 6r"# K/ t r 66"r# ~t s 66"{ m t t 6r"# / t u 6yb" t v 6Ifo"o {t w 6DmW"}t x 68K"FROt y 6k?" t z 63"i,ut { 6"" . t | 6 "* 6 t } 69"E t ~ 6("  t  6[" t  6o"+ 7 t  6="0  t  6~"  t  6"3 % t  60"{ " t  6v" U t  6o"r i~ t  63" d t  6Ü "f  t  6"    BCxDE4F> x *lr<f$Nlfl$$rx @`"R@    BZCNDE4F> B$B$$N0H$$H6Z*6*B$ @`" m    BeCYDE8FB6YAS0#YAe;SG S)0$-D)56Y @`"a[   BSCNDE4F> $NS06$*606<$B0B$N @`"    BZCHDE4F> ZB$H$B*$66<00< N*Z @`" &   BZCTDE4F> *<*<H B*666HTZ*T*< @`"    BC DEF& @`"   BC0DEF&00*00@`" %+   B$CBDEF&$$B$$@`"+Et  6" : t  6"a m `  "BCDEF:""f;ojuxw=TT>7;*N h"l)o3u5{77/'~aM0$!YSOZk`"e hbf@           `" `  "aBCDEF:""f;ojuxq/TT>7;*N h"l)o3u5{77/'~aM0$!YSOZk`"e hbf@           `"j #   h0e0e     ?B\CDEF d @ 5% 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'pA)BCD|E||F\6 @`S" G2   `r?2 @?"(    6ȷ "`  Z"1@075F 703>;>2:0  0̷ "^`  Z*0    0з "^   \*0    0ַ "^   \*0  n  0ڷ "  1@075F B5:AB0 B>@>9 C@>25=L "@5B89 C@>25=L '5B25@BK9 C@>25=L OBK9 C@>25=LMr  Zd޽h @ ? 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